Industrial design and choice of equipment adapted to local conditions
Medi-Earth can call on a wide range of international experience to meet needs of project. The team will take into account every aspect of your project which will be studied in the light of its specific geographic, economic, technical and social environment with a global positive impact to improve efficiency and long-term of investment of the promoter.
As a consequence the manufacturing processes and equipment are proposed on the basis of needs of the client and local conditions.
Whenever feasible, we favor the use of local services and equipment so as to reduce import costs and raise the value of existing local means.
Financial backing
Medi-Earth has the financial support of leading Belgian and foreign banks. Through our experience and reputation we have earned the confidence of credit insurance companies and public authorities, giving us access to attractive loan conditions and multilateral development programs worldwide. Medi-Earth harnesses its financial engineering skills not only to organize financing for projects using the most up-to-date financing techniques (compensation, debt, equity swap, buy back, leasing, etc.), but also to find co-investors for your project.
A comprehensive service
The wide-ranging skills of our staff and their familiarity with the complexities of integrated contracts enable them to handle all aspects thereof.
Our role is not limited to the supply and start-up of machinery. We are concerned with the profitability and efficiency of the investment. What we offer through the project is a product that is operational and ready for use, and we do this by supplying vocational training as well as technical and managerial assistance. In close cooperation with the investor, we can also find the best outlets for manufactured products and thus provide a ready-made market.
The right partners and subcontractors
Partners and subcontractors are selected to meet the specific expectation on an independent basis by Medi-Earth. Our partners are always local company already working in the field of the concerned project which guaranteed an exhaustive service and ensured proximity with the end client.
All supplies and services, and after-sales services are coordinated and supervised by Medi-Earth.